Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More urgency for preventative care

My last post talked about the need for preventative care for the uninsured. Well, it turns out that the uninsured aren't the only ones that need to worry.


Folks, the need to take better care of ourselves is even more and more critical. And yet, I know how much harder it is to do so these days. This morning on the subway, I listened to a doctor talk about the need we have to sleep, and yet, how we don't get enough of it. Some of that is lifestyle, and some of that is the nutrients we get in our diet.

Interesting thing is that we don't get enough magnesium in our diet. Magnesium helps you get to sleep at night, so by all means, get more of it! And then, if you have problems staying awake during the day, the solution to that is B-vitamins. Lay off the caffeine! (Did you know that caffeine is used to kill lame horses?)

Here's to your health!

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